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Upcoming Live Webinars

There are no live webinars scheduled at this time. Please check back soon!

The Brain
This 28-minute webinar explains 5 parts of the brain and how they function in children with Reactive Attachment Disorder. It also covers several healing models that are used in therapeutic parenting to heal the brain.
What this webinar covers:

  • The Neocortex
  • The R-Complex
  • The Temporal Lobes
  • The Limbic System
  • The Cingulate Gyrus
  • Simplicity                                                                                                                    $8.99CAD
  • 10 Units of Concern               

3BI: Brain-Based Behaviour Intervention
This 38-minute webinar teaches our researched-backed, proven behaviour intervention. The 3BI program teaches a child how to shift and optimize their brain, take responsibility for their actions, and repair and build relationships.
Parents love the simple actions of using 3BI with disruptive, defiant, and destructive behaviours.
What this webinar covers:

  • Strong sitting
  • Jumping Jacks & Brain jumps
  • Brain boosters
  • Mini trampolines
  • Taking responsibility
  • Repairing damages                                                                                                  $8.99CAD
  • Building trust-based relationships

FREE WEBINAR! Be a Brain Boss
Be a Brain Boss is a 45-minute free recording of a live webinar. Learn how to use our workbook, Be a Brain Boss, a workbook for children working on getting their brains strong and healthy.
Watch it now!

More webinars coming soon!